Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tom Brocaw's Love Letter to Canada and more.

Well, apparently I am not the first to write a love letter to our Canadian friends.

I really enjoyed watching this and it made me think that we (Americans) generally take our neighbors to the north totally for granted. In fact, I think for the most part we think the world ends at our borders and forget that a whole country lives right above us. I am not saying we are totally unaware... but it seems sometimes like we are more aware of what is going on in the rest of the world than in our own backyards. We remember the Brits are our "ancestors" and allies but we forget our Canadian brothers.  I've done this!  I have been to the UK and all over Europe several times and it is not until 2010 that I stepped foot into Canada.  That's kinda odd.

Anyway, here is Tom Brocaw's love letter to Canada:

In other news the Elmwood Curling Club gave me an extra pin for John, my Canadian friend back here in Atlanta. He has lived in the US for many decades after he retired from the Canadian Mounted Police. He volunteers at the hospital where I work and was overjoyed that I brought him back the pin. So, I bought a little bit of Canada back for him.

I proudly wore my curling jacket to the eggnog party here in Atlanta. It's an annual party which draws a bunch of the indie rock folk in Atlanta and is hosted by Mary-o each year. Of course I gushed about Winnipeg - the people, the band, my fabulous trip. I think it may have been the most fun I have ever had on a vacation ever... and that is saying a lot.

Still recovering from the trip and working a bunch of 12 hour days this week, but more to come...

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